Standard of Bichon Havanese
FCI-St. N° 250/12. 01. 2009
ORIGIN: Western Mediterranean basin; development: Cuba.
Publication date of the official standard into force: 04.11.2008.
Dog of approval and company
Group 9 Dogs of approval and company section 1 Let us be tickled pink and related. without test of work.
The From Havana one is a vigorous puppy, low on legs, with the hair long, abundant, soft and of reference corrugated its paces are sharp and elastic.
The length of the muzzle is equal to the distance between the stop and the occipital protuberance.
The relationship between the length of the body (measured point of the shoulder to the forefront of the buttock) and the height with the tourniquet is of 4/3.
Exceptionally waked up, it is easy to educate like dog of alarm, affectionate, of a merry naturalness, it is pleasant, charmer, cheerful and even a little buffoon It loves the children and plays interminably with them.
Of average length, the relationship between the length of the head and the length of the trunk (measured tourniquet with the birth of the tail) are of 3/7.
Skull: Dish with very little curvature, broad; face relatively low; seen top it is round in the back and almost right and square on the three other sides.
Stop: Moderately marked.
Truffle: Black or maroon.
Muzzle: Reducing itself gradually and slightly in the direction of truffle, but neither out of whistle, nor truncated.
Lips: Fines, dry, tended.
Jaws/teeth: Articulated out of scissors. Complete teeth is searched. The absence of premolars 1 (PM1) and molars 3 (m3) is tolerated.
Cheeks: Very punts, not projecting.
Eyes: Rather large, in the form of almond, color brown as dark as possible. Pleasant expression. The circumference of the eye must be brown dark with black.
Ears: Established relatively high, they fall along the cheeks by forming a discrete fold which raises them slightly. Their
end is at a peak little marked. They are covered with a hair in long fringes. Neither isolated in wings of mill, nor coupled with
Of average length.
The length of the body exceeds the height with the tourniquet slightly.
Line of the top: Right-hand side, slightly vaulted on the level of the kidney.
Croup: Quite tilted.
Coasts: Curved well.
Line of the lower part and belly: Raised well.
Raised range, either in the shape of stick, or, preferably, rolled up on the back; it is furnished with a fringe of long silky hairs.
Overall picture: Rights and parallels, dry; good framework. The distance between the ground and the elbow should not be larger than that between the elbow and the tourniquet.
Former feet: Of a little lengthened form, small, compact.
Overall picture: Good framework; moderate angulations.
Posterior feet: Of a little lengthened form, small, compact.
Bichon from Havana has enough a light and elastic approach striking which underlines its merry character. Movement disengaged well from the former ones which goes right in front of, the posterior ones giving the push in right line.
Quality of the hair: The undercoat, woolly, is developed little; it is often completely absent. The hair of cover very long (12-18 cm in an adult dog), soft, flat or is undulated and can form buckled wicks.
Any grooming, any equalization the length of the hairs to the scissors and any depilation are prohibited. Exception: a cleaning of the hairs
with the feet is authorized, the hairs of the face can be slightly shortened so that they do not cover the eyes and the hairs of the muzzle
can be also cut, but it is preferable to leave them natural.
Color of the hair: Seldom completely white pure, fawn-coloured in its various nuances (light allowed charbonnures), black, brown, Havana, color tobacco, brown reddish, allowed spots in the colors mentioned. The brands of deer (fire) are allowed
in all the nuances.
Height with the tourniquet: From 23 to 27 cm Tolerance from 21 to 29 cm.
Any variation compared to what precedes must be regarded as a defect which will be penalized according to its gravity and of its effects on the health and the wellness of the dog.
· General aspect lacking type.
· Muzzle truncated or out of whistle, of which the length is not identical to that of skull.
· Eyes of bird of prey; too inserted or prominent eyes; edge of the eyelids larded.
· Too long or too short body.
· Right tail, carried not raised.
· Former in quadrant (brought closer carpi, feet deviated towards outside).
· Deformed feet.
· Hard hair, not very abundant hair; hair runs except in the pups; hair toilet.
· Aggressive or timorous dog.
· Any dog presenting in an obvious way of the anomalies of a physical or behavioral nature will be disqualified.
· Larded truffle.
· Higher or lower Prognathism.
· Ectropion, entropion; edge of the eyelids dépigmenté.
· Size exceeding or not reaching the standards indicated by the standard.
· The males must have two testicles of normal aspect completion descended in the scrotum.
· Only the dogs healthy and able to achieve the functions for which they were selected, and whose morphology is typical race, can be used for the reproduction.
